
A Works Cited page gives full publication information for the works cited in your parenthetical notes. A reader who wants to follow up on your references to Erich Fromm, for instance, would find an entry like this:

Fromm, Erich. The Art of Loving. New York: Harper & Row, 1956.

This lets the reader see everything necessary to locate the book.

The most convenient online aid aid to making a Works Cited page is probably the Landmark Citation Machine. It's also fun to use.

Of course, a full Works Cited would usually include more than one entry. Some entries might refer to books, others to magazines or professional journals. These entries are arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name, and multi-line entries are set with hanging indents of one half inch. The sample Works Cited below illustrates the basic form to follow:

Works Cited

Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics. New York: Bantam Books, 1976.

Fromm, Erich. The Art of Loving. New York: Harper & Row, 1956.

_________. The Sane Society. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1955.

Hackett, George. "The Longest Jump." Newsweek 15 Aug. 1983: 48.

Jung, C. G. The Undiscovered Self. Boston: Little Brown, 1957.

Lewis, C. S. "Satan." Milton: Modern Essays in Criticism. Ed. Arthur E. Barker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965. 196-204.

"Log Cabin Literary Center." 19 Mar. 1999. <> (21 Apr. 1997).

Sledd, James. "In Defense of the Students' Right." College English (Nov. 1983): 667-75.

"Steel Bargaining: The Last Chance." Business Week 17 Jan. 1983: 94-97.

And again, when in doubt, try the Landmark Citation Machine.